workout of the day (wod)

OLYWOD 27/7-24

E15SecMOM 5min

Behind Neck Power Jerk Pause – Build Weight

E30secOM 6min

1 Tall Jerk – Tech Weight

E30SecOM 6 min

1 Tall Clean – Low Catch

EMOM 6 min

1 Power Clean

1 Hang Squat Clean

1 Split Jerk

Built by Bengt Granaas

WOD 26/7


6 Power Snatch x 6 sets (every 2:00) *Complete in singles, same weight across all sets (around 50% of 1RM)

”XXXIII Olympiad”

10:00 AMRAP

50 Double Unders

10 Pull Ups

10 Deficit Push Ups (4”/2”)

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!

WOD 25/7

”Stade de France”

5 sets

20 GHDs (Or V-Ups)

15 DB Hang Power Clean (2×22,5/15)

15m DB Lunge Walk

-rest 1:00 after each set-

*For the lunge, the DBs must be held on the shoulders in a Front Rack position with a full grip on the handles.


If you did not test your strict pull-up last month:

Freedom: max 1 rep weighted strict pull-up

Independence: max unweighted unbroken strict pull-ups

Liberty: Find the lightest band for one strict pull-up

If already completed this, do:

Freedom: 1 set of Max Effort dead hang

-followed by-

3 sets of 8-10 negative pull-ups.

Rest 1:00 between sets

Independence: 1 set Max Effort dead hang

-followed by-

3 sets of 5-8 negative pull-ups.

Rest 1:00 between sets

Liberty: 1 set Max Effort Dead hang (hold on to the pull-up bar, toes touching the ground, with an overhand grip )

-followed by-

3 sets of 5-8 negative Ring Rows/pull-ups to a box

Rest 1:00 between sets

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!

WOD 24/7


Build to a Heavy Back Squat in 10-12 minutes

”Paris, France”

6 Rounds

10 Thrusters (42,5/30)

12/10 Calorie Row

10 Bar Facing Burpees

12/10 Calorie Row

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!

WOD 23/7

”Olympic Medalists”

10-20-30-40 Box Jump Overs (50cm)

40-30-20-10 Toes to Bar

*200m Run after each round

MAYHEM MINI-PUMP – Back and Biceps

4 sets

12 Supported Single Arm DB Row (each side)

10 DB Preacher Curl

-rest 2min b/t rounds-

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!

WOD 22/7


Build up to a Heavy Deadlift in 10-12 minutes

”Summer Olympics”

42 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

21/16 Calorie Assault Bike

30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

21/16 Calorie Assault Bike

18 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

21/16 Calorie Assault Bike

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!

WOD 21/7


Teams of 2

3 Rounds

30 Overhead Squats (52,5/35)

120 Double Unders

60/48 Calorie assault bike

120 Double Unders

-Share the reps, one athlete works at a time –

Mayhem Affiliate

3-2-1 GO!